Be honest.
All you have to do.... is be honest.
Be honest about your skill, style and subject matter.
Don't try to hide or fake it. We've all had to go throught he novice/ learning levels. There is no shame in learning.
Make work. Learn to see the flaws and the weak points. Learn from it. Make more work.
Do not try to be something/ someone you are not. Drawing is ultimately a recording of how your body moves. Yes, at times it those moves will be hesitant and insecure. Keep going. Stay with it. Find your rhythm. Make more work. Make YOUR marks.
Subject Matter
How do you see the world? How do you feel about it? This may be the hardest part of all. What really separates the masters from the novices. At times this will be uncomfortable. Sometimes this will resutl in awkward & troubling imagery. Learn to spot the falsehoods and hypocricy. Work ot correct them. Make more work. Go deeper.